- Market Facts & Opinions (2000) Ltd
- mfo@mfocaribbean.com
- Tel: (868) 627-8417/8524
Understanding the Customer Part 1
How do you get to know someone really well? Think about this for a while. How many of us got to understand anybody, particularly someone[…]
How can I serve you today?
“The goal as a company is to have customer service that is not just the best, but legendary.” Sam Walton, Wal-Mart But how do we[…]
Why worry about your brand?
Which is better, Coke or Pepsi? On blind taste tests, Pepsi has won but in the market place Coke is it! Why? Because brand matters,[…]
Customer Centric ?
The notion of being customer-centric is focused on have a positive customer experience because of a differentiation that is unique to the company and valued[…]
Speaking truth?
Suppose you are going to an unknown place, who would you want to depend on? A nice friend who will never tell you anything you[…]
Why do the polls differ?
We note the comments made by several parties about the Market Facts & Opinions (MFO) poll conducted last week and the comparison made with the[…]
We are resuming after the August break to have our next Conversation on September 11 at 3 pm at the Marriott, Invader’s Bay. The topic[…]
For all the insights social media data offers, there’s still plenty it can’t tell you. And if marketers fail to set social data in context,[…]
Kalle Lyytinen explains why Facebook succeeded where Friendster failed
The digital revolution that has taken place in recent decades has changed the way we work and play. It has also changed the way that[…]
Church or Statue?
I was recently in Cleveland Ohio and saw many lovely churches (as many churches as in Barbados or Jamaica – a church on every block)…large[…]