- Market Facts & Opinions (2000) Ltd
- mfo@mfocaribbean.com
- Tel: (868) 627-8417/8524
Public Opinion Poll

National Financial Literacy Survey
We are seeking to understand the views of students, adults and small and micro businesses. One person in your household may participate. Select the survey[…]

MFO Key Findings on National Perception of Vaccines
On May 15th 2021, MFO released its Report on the National Perception of Vaccines. This sub-report forms a part of a larger study, The MFO[…]

Petrotrin Opinion Poll Report 2018
MFO has done an independent study that seeks to provide a national perspective on the issue as a means of informing the public dialogue. It[...]

MFO Full Social Values Survey Report 2018
MFO has done an independent study on Social Values including Drinking Alcohol, Divorce, Gambling, Sex Education at Primary School level, Premarital Sex, Same-sex Relationship, Extramarital[...]

The Size of the Sample
Size matters in drawing samples. The larger your sample is – up to a point – the smaller the range of variability there is in[…]

Selection of the Sample
How many times have you heard someone say “I have never been asked to take part in a survey? How can it be true if I[…]

The Variability of the Answers
This area is a very tricky one. Most pollsters have a theory of how people will tend to answer a particular issue. But the actual[…]

The Secret of Public Opinion Polls
MFO reveals the benefits of Public Opinion Polls and its value for making market decisions. Have you ever wondered what individuals think about a public[…]

T&T Judiciary: Public Opinion Poll June 2017
The events in the Trinidad and Tobago Judiciary invoked much press coverage and interest by public figures. The events included a resignation of a High[…]